With age comes wisdom, experience, and memories. Every trip around the sun is to be enjoyed and treated as the gift it is, and I don't know one person who doesn't want to prolong their life and quality of life for as long as possible! While there’s no magic potion or one-size-fits-all solution to staying, incorporating a few lifestyle changes can significantly enhance your chances of a fulfilling, extended life.
Read MoreAs the mother to a teenage son, metabolism is always on my mind. It seems like no matter how much food I provide for my son, he burns through it all and miraculously maintains his fit figure. I know what you’re thinking because I’m thinking it too: I wish.
Read MoreThe leaves are changing color, the air is getting cooler, and the transition into autumn is officially underway. While this season can be a difficult time for many people who are used to enjoying the summer sun and activities, the fall brings its own unique set of delights.
Read MoreAs the school year kicks into full gear, many parents are already settling into the routine of packing lunches for their kids. While the initial excitement of back-to-school may have waned, one thing remains constant: the importance of a healthy lunch that fuels your child's day.
Read MoreIn elementary school health classes, they teach you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. While that might be true, there are many other aspects of your morning that greatly impact all of the remaining hours of your day.
Read MoreWe have been introduced to more diets and types of eating than we can count on both hands in our lifetime. It seems as if there is a new fad to learn about every few months. Is this time "the one" for us? The truth is these diets often cause stress and set us up for failure. That's precisely why they never pan out the way we hope.
Read MoreWhether you have chronic insomnia or are struggling with self-control when it comes to prioritizing rest over that last Netflix episode, these tips can help set you on the right path. If implementing the entire list feels overwhelming, begin with a few new habits and build from there.
Read MoreThere’s nothing better than this time of year. But it seems to pass by so quickly, and before we know it, we’re back to work and feeling just as burnt out as before. Let me share a few tips to let you enjoy this special time of year without leaving you feeling exhausted.
Read MoreMost of us want to become healthier, better versions of ourselves, but the question is: “Where do we start?” And that question is followed by instant overwhelm. Can you relate? Making a commitment to your health is not about deprivation – I’ll show you how.
Read MoreMany of my clients are afraid to add fats to their diet when we start working together, but our brains thrive off healthy fats. Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA, are the building blocks of the brain cell.
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