5 Ways to Transform Your Health Starting Today
Most of us want to become healthier, better versions of ourselves, but the question is: “Where do we start?” And that question is followed by instant overwhelm. Can you relate?
Taking care of our health is a lifelong commitment. I assume that this statement just added another layer of overwhelm… I’ll be providing some relief soon, I promise. Trying to change all those so called “bad” habits at once is unrealistic and short lived.
To the good news: There are small changes that you can start making right away and build from there. Let’s start with food. If any of my ideas still feel like a stretch, then all you need to do is to be creative and make them smaller. Junk them down until one of them fits into your day and then build from there.
Yes, taking care of our health is a lifelong commitment AND it can be fun and exciting. That commitment will increase your quality of life it’s not a journey of deprivation.
So - here are five ways to transform your health, starting with your diet, today. Are you ready?
1. Stick to Simple Ingredient Lists
When you're shopping for pre-packaged snacks or ready-made meals, look for foods with the simplest ingredient lists. The ingredient lists that are short and comprised of mostly whole foods that you recognize are a great place to start. This isn't to say you should be incredibly restrictive in your eating but choosing mostly whole foods is a simple way to transform your health day by day. You’ll be surprised what you see when you start going through the list of ingredients.
When you come across sugar on those labels keep in mind that the guidelines from the American Heart Association recommends that men should not have more than 36 grams, women 24 grams, and children 12-24 grams per day. I would love to hear what you find surprising on this journey.
2. Drink More Water
It sounds simple, but most of us still aren't drinking enough water.
Are you one of them? Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces each day.
Set reminders on your phone, download water-tracking apps, or buy a fun water bottle to motivate you— whatever it takes! Our bodies depend on water, whether it's to flush out toxins or to keep our skin hydrated and protected. When we're dehydrated, our bodies confuse thirst for hunger, causing us to overeat when all we actually need is water.
3. Eat More Plants
Fruits and vegetables contain important micronutrients for our health. From vitamins and minerals to fibers. It’s no wonder we should be adding more plants to our plates. According to the USDA, if you eat around 2,000 calories per day, you should be eating around two and a half cups of veggies and two cups of fruits each day. This amount increases or decreases depending on your total calorie intake. The easiest way to eat more fruits and veggies is to mix them with other foods, such as sandwiches, smoothies, salads, and side dishes. How are you doing with your fruit and veggies?
4. Enjoy Your Food
No lifestyle changes or eating choices will ever stick long-term if you aren't happy with them or they don’t fit into your daily routine. Choose the foods you enjoy and leave the rest for now. There are plenty of recipes out there that put a healthy spin on typical favorite foods, such as burgers, pizza, and pasta. Find what you like, and don't restrict yourself to the point of anxiety and stress. A healthy lifestyle is all about balance. You will want to enjoy the food you prepare each day.
5. Make Your Eating Style Work for You
It's not enough to enjoy your healthy food— it should also fit into your lifestyle (at least the parts you don't want to change). If your healthy habits are constantly inconveniencing you, they're not going to stick for very long. Your eating style should still allow you to enjoy life, go out to restaurants with friends and family, travel and eat food in new countries, and whatever else you love doing. If you've restricted your food choices too much and struggle to eat outside of your own kitchen, consider changing up your eating plan to be less restrictive and more adaptable.
If you are reading this and you are ready to make changes but want to brainstorm options that fit into YOUR day, feel free to set up your free 20 minutes breakthrough information session here.
Make a commitment to your health and make it fun!