“Your journey begins with a choice to get up, step up and live fully”
Are you having thoughts like:
I’m afraid
I’m not confident enough
I’ll fail again
I can’t do it
I’m overwhelmed
I know I’m judged
I’m worth less
I feel fat
I can’t win
… reach your ideal weight
… feel confident and strong
… have lots of energy
… feel great from the inside out
… experience true joy
… get control back of your life and spread your wings
This fast paced and judgment filled time we live in can seriously make us feel worthless and overwhelmed. We get bombarded with messages about how we should feel, look and perform. All, while being a good partner, mother, daughter, volunteer etc.
Who can keep this up?
No one!
I should know it!
About three years after I moved here from Switzerland in 2004 I started to feel anxious, sad, tired, short tempered and I started to gain weight which of course made me feel even worse, which in turn made me not want to go to the gym – It was a downward spiral.
I blamed the fast paced lifestyle. Three little kids and a husband who was traveling all the time. Not fitting in. I couldn’t keep up. Once I was seeking help I got prescribed anti depressants. I had a feeling that this pill wasn’t going to be the answer.
Life in Switzerland was so different. I grew up with plenty of time outdoors and three homemade meals each day – thanks to my parents who both love cooking. I walked to school in the morning, came home for lunch, and walked back to school for the afternoon – rain, snow, or shine. So did my oldest daughter before we moved. I was happy. I was confident. Looking back I would call it a balanced lifestyle.
Living here in the US, eating the standard American diet, seemed to make us all sick. Was that possible? My kids developed allergies, one of them showed signs of anxiety and my husband started to be sick often as well. I didn’t get better either, which eventually caused a burnout in 2015. I don’t like to think back to that summer. How could this happen to me? I used to be strong, happy and healthy!
It’s the dark times in our lives
that can create the biggest opportunities.
I’m Claudia. I am a Mom, Wife, Health Coach and a big believer in the fact that food is medicine and that our thoughts and the way we speak to ourselves are powerful tools that can help or hurt us.
I thought back to how my life was when I was my best self, and I realized that my diet changed so I went to see a nutritionist. I got a lot of great information, but I needed more. I then came across the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and when I learned about their combined approach of food AND improving other areas of my life I knew I found my place. I wanted to learn all about it.
That’s how I became an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. We started cutting out gluten and my husband and I both felt better right away. Then I started cooking again like I did back in Switzerland and I learned how to read food labels. That was quite the awakening… we started focusing on high quality meat and vegetables, and we began cutting out processed food a little bit at a time. My energy level increased dramatically when I followed The 21 Day Sugar Detox Program. Cutting out all forms of sugar for 21 days made a tremendous difference. I added a gratitude practice into my days, went back to the gym, made time for yoga and mindfulness and I slowly learned how to speak differently to myself.
We made slow but steady adjustments in our family, and I was able to get my children’s allergies under control without the prescribed medication. I was also able to dramatically reduce my child’s anxiety and increase the level of focus through diet changes and supplementation.
A couple of years ago I started my private health coaching practice. I’m working with women who are looking to lose weight, get rid of the brain fog and get their energy back. Often times these women are dealing with hormonal imbalances or autoimmune issues. And – they are held back by their thoughts.
It’s time to feel great again - inside and out!
It is quite impressive how our bodies can start healing themselves when we ditch the negative self-talk and nourish our bodies with a balanced diet. I love to watch my clients transform physically and emotionally.
“… today I’m over twenty pounds lighter, full of energy and in a strong emotional place”
“… I have more control over my mind and body through diet, exercise and mindfulness. Therefore creating a more calm, balanced and healthy ME. I experienced a reduction in migraines and headaches and I’m in a much better place with my hormone-, thyroid- and mental health.”
With my Brain Health Program I’m supporting children suffering from ADHD and / or anxiety and even learning disabilities. I truly believe that any kind of therapy the children are receiving will get better results with a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle.
Food truly is medicine, but the same food that heals one person might cause harm to the next. Let’s work together and find out what works best for you and your family.
“The future depends on what you do today.”
Let’s get started! Contact me today to schedule your free discovery session because you deserve a vibrant life.