How to Ditch Your Sugary Drink Habit

Did you know that a bottle of fruit juice could have 40g of sugar in it and still have the "no added sugar" stamp on the front? So, beware, anytime you see the No Sugar Added icon, take a closer look at the label to see how much sugar is already in the product before making a decision.

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Claudia Haller
The 80/20 rule: A Balanced Approach to Health

My personal favorite: The 80/20 method it focuses on balance and eating healthy while also treating yourself in moderation – we need to make some room for our little guilty pleasures – right? (I love good ice cream or a glass of champagne – what’s your favorite?)

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Claudia Haller
How Antioxidants can help you

Over time, high concentrations of free radicals in your body can cause oxidative stress. This damages your cells and is what researchers believe is causing the illnesses & chronic conditions we're all trying to avoid. Here’s how you’ll find antioxidants in your diet.

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Claudia Haller
The Most Effective Tricks to Fall Asleep

Create a nighttime routine. This routine not only signals to your brain that it's time for bed, but it also helps you relax. Your routine might include following your skin care regimen, taking a shower, enjoying a gentle yoga practice, or making a cup of herbal tea.

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Claudia Haller