As we step into a new year, it’s a natural time to reflect on what we want to create and achieve. But let’s be real—New Year’s resolutions can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure, especially when we try to do it all at once.
Read MoreAs the year draws to a close, it's natural to get bogged down in everything you'd still like to achieve—especially when it comes to your health and well-being. As a mom, it can be discouraging to reflect on areas for growth in balancing family life, work, and personal responsibilities.
Read MoreAs a mom during the holidays, I often find myself swept up in the whirlwind of impulsive decisions—whether it’s buying that extra gift for my daughter because it’s on sale or picking up an extra box of chocolates because "everyone loves them!"…
Read MoreFor the last twenty years as a mom of three, one of my biggest responsibilities was making December magical. I always wanted to make the holidays special for my children and all of our family members. Over the years, I think I tried out just about every strategy for getting the perfect gifts for all family members and from all family members (and Santa Claus)…
Read MoreThe food industry has made it very easy to rely on quick-fix meals and processed snacks. It’s also convenient to carry granola bars, bags of chips and candies with you on the go to satisfy your every craving.
Read MoreWe’ve all experienced feelings of bitterness or resentment at some point in our lives. Whether it’s toward a person, a situation, or even ourselves, these emotions can linger and take root if left unaddressed.
Read MoreAs the weather cools down and we start to crave warm, comforting foods like soups and stews, it’s easy to forget about our fast, fruity, and fueling smoothies. Just because the seasons change doesn’t mean your smoothies need to be packed away until spring...
Read MoreFrom smartphones and tablets to computers and televisions, screens are everywhere, and their usage has become almost inescapable.
Read MoreIf I let my mind spiral, I could easily sit in my bed every night asking myself, where did the day go? Our youngest is going off to college soon, which means that my husband and I are going from having three kids to - you guessed it - zero at our house…
Read MoreWhen we hear the word creativity, we often think that it is a talent exclusive to the special few who have been gifted with the ability to express their ideas through art and performance. However, creativity is within every single one of us. It’s not something that is just given to a select portion of the population…
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