Did you know… 

… there is such a thing as “Quitter’s Day?” Apparently, it is the second Friday of January, and it’s set aside for those who set new year resolutions and fail to achieve them. AND - it is meant to encourage and equip them to try again and ultimately succeed. 

Research shows that people quit their resolutions for the new year by the second Friday of the year, and here I thought they would at least last until Valentine’s Day.

I’m not quite sure how something called “Quitter’s Day” is meant to be encouraging to try again, but maybe that’s just me. 

Do you feel like a “quitter”? Does it feel like you cannot change any of your ’bad’ habits?

In any case, if you feel that your personal goals, including those around your health and well-being, landed somewhere on the back burner, you are in the right place.

I have created a FREE  challenge called:

Creating Healthy Habits Series.

We'll spend five days looking through each area of your life and come up with ways to create healthy habits that stick - finally. I think you'll feel motivated, excited, and able to continue to add new habits to your daily routine. What’s not to love?

I firmly believe changes don't typically stick because we try to do too much at once without a detailed plan or because no one is holding us accountable. Sound familiar?

This could finally be the year when things are different. Are you ready for the FREE Healthy Habits Series?

We’ll tackle a few key areas during the five days we spend together, and I’ll be there to answer any questions you might have


I can’t wait to see you in the group and guide you through the process.

Save your free spot now!